The Recycling Project Returns

This may or may not be an accurate portrayal of how I look… but it certainly is a more than adequate illustration of how i feel about myself as I’ve watched myself balloon over the last 6 months or so.

It’s been almost 2 years since the last Recycling Project here at The Heap, where I lost 30 lbs, and was able to maintain my weight for almost a year. But alas, for the last few months, I have just been eating uncontrollably. I’ve had to use clothes I never thought I would ever have to again.

It’s time to get back to where I was, and them some.

I will be adhering to a strict diet for the next few months. Mornings will consist of egg whites and fruit while lunch and dinner will be either a grilled chicken breast or fish filet (a la George Foreman!) with a side of fresh green beans. I’m also prepared to make a chicken salad for lunch with fruit and a light vinaigrette dressing to be used in moderation.

I will be using Oxy Elite Pro as a dietary supplement after discussing with some friends regarding efficacy and safety. So as a result, I will be downing close to a gallon of water daily. I plan to be doing some sort of exercise as well as I will be joining a gym and/or be doing the trash in the near future.

I am very excited yet a bit nervous for this time of change. I will miss drinking beer and Taco Bus very much. I’ll be giving a weekly update of weight loss!

smallheap.jpg image by jmooser

Return of the… Heapmaster?

I really can’t believe it has been SIX months since I have last written on here. It’s something that I have missed, to some extent, but haven’t really been able to motivate myself to just finally get on here and write about anything and everything that has been going on. Of course, my primary laptop breaking didn’t help things, as well as my Motorola Xoom being a tough cookie to blog on, it being without a physical keyboard. (Of which they now have a keyboard case which I will buy soon! But the Xoom is for another entry)

Nevertheless, I should never abandon this outlet for this long again. I will spare you the usual spiel regarding my absence, and the resulting promise of renewed interest and dedication to the cause. We both know that for whatever reason, I could be having the time of my life writing, and I will just randomly… stop.

However, I am back for now!

The Heap will continue being a trusted source of reviews of all sorts. I’d like to (again) try to incorporate more music into the blog. So I will hopefully be laying out some reviews of albums I purchase, rants for or against songs or artists, or perhaps just some cool entries about shows I get to go to.

I will also have a segment called Wilfred Weekly, in which I will discuss the week’s episode of FX’s new comedy, Wilfred. If you haven’t checked it out, they are only two episodes in, and I highly recommend it. (This is coming from someone who seldom watches TV for anything other than sports or horrible movies that USA and TBS are playing on the weekends)

I’ll also have a nice life update a la Trashman Chronicles, since I haven’t given one in a while, for all of you friends abroad.

And no, The Beer Corner is not going anywhere! However, the newest edition of The Recycling Project might limit entries, as I prepare to lose some serious weight.

smallheap.jpg image by jmooser